How to publish SEO friendly blog from Notion for Free?

I want to publish blog from my Notion content. I researched many notion hosting solutions and found a best tool. In this post, I will explain why I decided to use notablog for my blog and how you can also publish your blog from Notion for free.

Example Blog for Demo is the blog I built using notablog and I will use it as example in this post. It is created from this shared notion page. Each notion page in the table is published as a blog post. Read on to understand how this works.

What are the requirements?

Let me describe my requirements so that you will know if you have same needs or if this solution is right for you.

  • The blog should be SEO friendly. For eg.
    • Should able to prettify cryptic notion urls like Thirukkural-How-to-control-Anger-e26960d655a44dcc81775f824d7997aa to more readable url Thirukkural-How-to-control-Anger
    • Should able to update html metatags so that I can customize how it appears in social media like Facebook, Twitter etc.
  • Since Notion doesn’t have good backup solution, I don’t want blog to use content directly from Notion, instead import the content to hosting site. So If lose content in my Notion, the blog will still work.
  • Should able to use my own custom domain.
  • I should able to use Google Analytics for tracking.
  • I am not looking for a fully automated paid product, but a free low code tool.

Why did I decide to use notablog ?

I found many Notion hosting tools like, HostNotion, but they are all paid. The main feature they provide is prettify URL which is implemented using URL rewrite. So I found free tool Fruition that can do url rewrite for Notion. But the problem with Fruition and other paid solutions is that it still serves content from Notion.

Then I got an idea that I should look for static site generators that can generate blog as static html from Notion content. First, I found notion-blog. I liked the idea, but it didn’t support all the content types. For e.g toggle list didn’t work. Also, it’s not easy to customize theme.

After more exploration, I found notablog which supports all notion formats. It has good templating system that I am able to easily customize to fit my needs.

How to create blog from Notion ?

The step’s on the project’s README worked great. I have included it here for easy reference.

  1. Install Notablog.
    npm i -g notablog
  2. Clone the notablog-starter repository.
    git clone
  3. Duplicate this Notion table template.

  4. Make the table you’ve duplicated public and copy its URL for the next step.

  5. Go into notablog-starter/ directory, open config.json. Replace the value of url with the URL of the table you’ve duplicated.

  6. Inside notablog-starter/ directory, run command:

    notablog generate .
  7. After it finishes, go to notablog-starter/public/ directory, open index.html with a browser to preview your site.

How to publish Notion blog to Github pages ?

The blog content is generated to public dir, but to use github pages we either have to use special branch gh-pages or special folder docs in master branch. I am using docs folder as it is easy to copy files around.

Setting up GitHub Pages.

  • Go to your project’s settings tab.
  • Scroll to GitHub pages section.
  • Under source select branch as master and folder as /docs.

Publishing blog.

Once I add/update blog content in Notion, I use notablog generate command to create static html files. Then, copy contents of public dir to docs dir and push it to git. I created below script which you can copy and run as ./ <YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE>.

How to setup custom domain for Notion blog ?

Configure Github pages to use custom domain.

  • Go to GitHub pages section in project’s settings tab.
  • Enter under custom domain and click Save.
  • This creates file name CNAME in docs dir.
  • So you should copy CNAME file to public dir using the command cp docs/CNAME public/CNAME to make sure CNAME file is not deleted by publish script.

Configure Apex and CNAME records in your domain provider.

  • Go to DNS Management settings of your domain provider
  • Create A record to point your apex domain to the IP addresses for GitHub Pages. Basically add a Host record with type A, host @ and value as following IP addresses.
  • Create a CNAME record for host www to point to value <GIT_YOUR_NAME>
  • Here is how I have configured it in my namecheap DNS settings.

Namecheap DNS Settings

  • For more information refer to this guide from github.

How to make Notion blog SEO friendly ?

To make a site SEO friendly, HTML meta tags like <meta property="PROPERTY_NAME" content="VALUE"> should be added to the <head> section.

Luckily, Notablog already adds most of the required meta tags. The only tag I need to add is og:image to provide cover image for social sharing like facebook and twitter.

To easily track changes and switch between default version and my customizations, I wanted to create my own theme.

Create custom theme in Notablog

Let’s look at the Notablog’s directory structure to understand theme system.

├── config.json
├── public
├── source
│   └── notion_cache
└── themes
    └── pure
    	└── layout
    	└── assests

Notablog ships with one theme pure. This theme name is configured in notablog-starter/config.json to be used as default.

I created a new theme kartranai using steps

  • Copy pure dir to kartranai. cp -r themes/pure/ themes/kartranai.
  • Update theme value to kartranai in config.json file.
  • Verify that notablog generate . generates content as before.

Add SEO metatags.

The layout directory contains the template files index.html , post.html and tags.html which are used to generate static html files when notablog generate command is run. I figured that to customize generated html content, template files in layout dir should be updated.

I added following snippet to index.html , post.html and tag.html files in themes/kartranai/layout dir to add meta property for og:image.

As you can see from the code, it uses Notion Page cover image for social image, so you will need to add a page cover image to your pages for social images to show up.

Verifying SEO metatags.

I found a handy tool to verify SEO tags. The tool will show the preview of how the site will appear in Google, facebook, twitter etc.

The below screen shot shows how the blog I created will look in Google, Twitter, Facebook.

Katranai Thoorum Arivu Social

How to Add Google Analytics ?

To track a website, you will first need to create property in Google analytics to get unique tracking code. Then google analytics script has to placed in <head> section of all html files.

Like how I customized SEO tags, I added google analytics script to index.html , post.html and tag.html files in themes/kartranai/layout dir. The below screenshot shows the added script code with highlighted background.

Google Analytics Script

How checking Google indexing status of your Notion blog ?

Google provides a great tool Google Search console for website owners to easily check status of google indexing. In Google search console, create a property for your website and use one of the verification methods to confirm you are the owner.

Then after coulpe of weeks, your google indexing report will show up. You can see the pages that are indexed, number of impressions, clicks and most importantly user’s search queries.

Hope this post will help you build your own blog with Notion as CMS. You can find full source of the code in Github.

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